In which I talk to the leader of the human resistance

I had an encounter today on Twitter which kind of blew my mind.

It began with the following tweet about Google’s April Fool’s Day prank “CADIE”.

andrewgatlin: Where’s John Connor when you need him. » link to CADIE: Cognitive Autoheuristic Distributed-Intelligence Entity

A couple of minutes later I received the following response:

johnconnor: @andrewgatlin I’m right here. And cadie poses no threat.

What was mind-blowing about this is that before my original tweet, I wasn’t following him, and he wasn’t following me. From my perspective this response came out of nowhere. It kind of freaked me out for a second. Then I just decided to go with it. Here is the rest of the exchange.

andrewgatlin: @johnconnor Can you explain this to me? » link to io9 – A Whiteboard That Explains Terminators Entire History – terminator

johnconnor: @andrewgatlin looks right to me but there are more details and convolution that aren’t detailed.

johnconnor: @andrewgatlin and you have to remember, anytime someone goes back they went back because they had to otherwise the timeline would change

johnconnor: @andrewgatlin and events that need to happen wouldn’t

andrewgatlin: @johnconnor You’re not really clearing any of this up…

johnconnor: @andrewgatlin what is there to clear up? Time travel occurred, people died, machines are crazy, humans must stop the machines. Simple to me 🙂

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